Ep 11: A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge

First Chapters
First Chapters
Ep 11: A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge

In their most controversial episode yet, Engineer Mike and Nina debate the semantics of the word “chapter” with the book, Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge. Who is the author here, anyway?

Digressions: Grammy winning singers, early ’90’s SF/horror movies, Buffy, cyber paganism, SF going through its Cyberpunk Era, forgetting William Gibson, discussing the Cringe of Capitalized Nouns, pussy maps, whether the introduction counts as a chapter, a throwback to the Morgaine omnibus, and 80’s deregulated cartoon commercials.

Engineer Mike is reading: The Laundry Files by Charles Strauss https://www.goodreads.com/series/50764-laundry-files

Nina is reading: Under the Skin by Michel Faber https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/123063.Under_the_Skin